I justed checked and Google has finally indexed this site. I was beginning to wonder as I think I’ve had other sites listed sooner - but 6 days is nothing to scoff at. It would take many experiments to figure out what factors speed up the time it takes to get listed, but I’ll summarize some important things I did that may have played a part:

Submitted my URL to Google’s add url page.
Linked a word in one of my posts to an permalink on Google’s Blog.
Did the same thing to an article on TechCrunch.
Posted legitimate comments on a few blogs I enjoy reading
Announced this blog at BloggerForum.
Spent two or three hours writing a good article to submit to social news sites, submitted
Added RSS feed link to my site
Added blog to Technorati
Installed plugin to add Technorati tags to my posts
Installed this Google Sitemap plugin, created sitemap and pinged Google.
Optimized this blog using these excellent tips to make it more pleasing to the search engines.
Posted at least one article per day
For the most part that is basically all I have done. I just checked my stats and found my first hit from a Google search, so I’m pretty happy to have this happen in less than a week.

I’ve heard read quite a few times that the best thing to do is create high quality content…no spam…no garbage. It took me a couple hours or more to find all of the links and write this article, but a lot of people have enjoyed it, and I enjoyed researching and writing it. I think that is the most important key of all. You’ve heard it a million times…if you build it, they will come…