One of the first things you need to do is get listed in Google. To get the ball rolling, I went to their add url page and submitted this site. The next thing I did was ad my adsense code. I don’t know if that speeds things up or not, but have always had the feeling it does. Now, these two techniques are fine, but to get Google’s attention faster, you should post your blog URL on another site that is already listed in Google. If you are a member of an internet forum, that is a great place to start. Or, if you have a favorite blog, leave a legitmate comment on a post…but don’t spam. I’m going to post a comment on a blog that I know has indexed one of my other sites before. That one is TechCrunch. I’m not positive, but perhaps it is best to post a comment on a highly popular blog such as this? I have noticed that some blog comments get indexed…but it seems others don’t.

Anyway, so I posted a comment which you read here. Can you guess which comment is mine? For testing purposes, I didn’t put my web site address in the comments at all. The only place I put my URL is in the form I filled out. After you submit, your name will be linked and comments below that.

I’m not sure how many days it will take to get indexed…but we should find out soon, won’t we! Interesting thing about this article is it looks like Google Notebook could be a potential spot to promote your blog. As soon as it is open to the public, I’ll give it a try.