IE requires 15mb memory LESS than Opera+launches 5 seconds faster!
Opera makers claim that their browser requires less memory and launches faster than any other browser. Well, this may have been true...till now. 'Cause now I've found a way to launch IE in such a way that it uses only 300KB of memory and takes only 2 seconds to launch! Yes, you heard me right! 300kb of memory and JUST TWO seconds to launch!
For comparison: Firefox eats 30mb of memory, 15 seconds to launch; Opera eats 15mb of memory, at least 7 seconds to launch (usually even longer)
Not to mention IE's better rendering capabilities as opposed to Opera's poor rendering ability of websites, but I am not going to talk about that, tired of this discussion, and besides, it's no use talking to fanatics.
So back to the original topic. The reduction in memory and launch time is done by starting IE not as a separate process, but as part of the Windows Explorer task. Since WE is launched on Windows boot anyway, why should one create new instances of IE every time you open a IE window, when you could just as well use the Windows Explorer process, which basically uses the same libraries as IE?
If you start IE as part of WE (kind of like opening another document in Office Word, which opens in a separate window, but in the old Winword task), only a couple of additional libraries are loaded in WE, which are required for internet surfing, everything else is in memory anyway as required by WE itself. So from the technical point of view, you are not opening a IE window, but actually just a new Windows explorer window, and you know how fast it opens when you open a folder in a new W-Explorer window
So how is this done?
First, the following key has to be imported into the registry:
Code: |
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer \BrowseNewProcess]"BrowseNewProcess"="no" |
Then restart Windows Explorer (important!). Crash it through the task manager and start it anew using the task manager, or restart your computer, doesn't matter.
Now you have to configure Windows Explorer a little. Most settings are taken over from your IE preferences, but specific settings like the WinXP SP2 security settings have to be added specifically for the Windows Explorer process, e.g.:
Code: |
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN] @="" "explorer.exe"=dword:00000000 |
Allow Windows Explorer access to the net in your firewall and you are ready to go.
When you launch IE, either by itself, called from an existing IE window as a child window, when opening a html/mht document or from a programme/windows component that uses IE libraries, iexplore.exe won't be used any longer, the entire IE process will be either unloaded immediately after the start of IE window, or not loaded at all. Instead, Windows Explorer will be used, but it will look and work the same as a real IE process, only faster, better and with less memory usage. Windows Explorer memory usage will increase by appr. 300kb with every new IE window opened. I had Windows Explorer opened with additional 2 IE windows, altogether using just 27 mb of memory, of which 26 are used anyway, unless you are using some other file manager instead of Windows Explorer (unlikely)
So why the hell was everybody whining for years that IE6 didn't have tabs? Who needs tabs if you can create real windows within the same process? Don't tell me that you prefer tabs to real windows as it is for example the case with Office Word.
1)Note that IE is not using only 300 KB. Rather, you have preloaded IE and it is already running in the background. If you were to actually unload IE, you'd find that it requires a lot more RAM than that.
2)But the Task Manager doesnt show the iexplore.exe anymore once it is launched????
Ans - thats coz the Task IEXPLORER.EXE is merged in to EXPLORER.EXE to forma a single task
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