1. Thoroughly understand how each of the keyword matching options function and how to use negative keywords. So many people don?t use negative keywords and content matching, and it is so easy to setup and can make a huge difference in improving your CTR.
Click Here to view Google?s new multimedia online tutorial of keyword matching options.
2. Split Test Ads. Develop various headlines and descriptions and split test
them by always running two against each other. Google will split your
traffic between the two ads. Then you can see which one has a better
CTR and keep that one and edit the worst ad with a new headline or a
variation. And you keep doing that constantly.
Here?s how you do this: In the Campaign Manager, in the AdGroup,
above each ad there is a link, ?Create New Ad?.
Click on it and create a second Ad for each campaign. Make it different
than your first Ad. Use the same keywords in your Ad as you have in
your keyword list. Try using different verbs. One tiny change in one
word or even capitalization can vastly increase your CTR.
Whenever you improve your ad, you get more traffic without having to
spend more money.
3. Wean out the poor performing keywords: After your campaign has
received 25 or 30 clicks, look at its? keywords. Some are doing well and
have good CTR?s, above 1%. Some have bad CTR?s, below 0.5%. And
some of your keywords with CTR?s below 0.5% are disabled by Google.
Google will slow delivery of your Ads and eventually suspend your
campaign if the total CTR for all of your Ads and keywords is below
You will want to wean out the poor performers and delete them, or put
them in their own new campaign. Write two new Ads so they?ll rotate
against each other and again keep the Ad with the higher CTR and
replace the other with a new ad.
You want all of your best performing keywords in their own campaign.
This way the poor performing keywords can?t bring the campaigns
overall CTR below 0.5%.
4. Changing the capitalization on some of the words in your ad can improve
the CTR. Try capitalizing the first letter of every word in your ad,
including the first letter of the URL. Play with capitalization as it really
does make a difference in your CTR.
5. If you have the word ?free? in your ad, try it without it. Instead you
might want to set the word ?free? as a negative keyword.
To set a negative keyword, you simply add it to your keyword list with a
negative sign in front of it. For example, if you are promoting web
hosting. You might have these keywords in your keyword list:
web hosting
Notice in the list above there is the negative keyword ?-free?. That
means that your ad will not display if someone searches on ?free? and
one of the other keywords. So for example if someone searches for ?free
webhosting?, your ad would not be displayed.
6. Use regional targeting if it is appropriate. One of my campaigns promote
a refinance lead program. I?ll not only have Adwords ads with states or
city names in the title and or ad copy, but I?ll also use Google?s regionaltargeting system to target specific ads to appear only in a certain region.